Wednesday, March 26, 2008

At a Loss !

O.K... I woke up this morning with the excitement of starting yet again, potty training. I got the big girl undies and the small seat to cover the seat. I thought for sure the Dora undies would do it. Shannon has NO INTEREST at all. She sat a few times this morning, liked the idea of being able to flush it herself and wash her hands ( new found love for water play these days). Everyone tells me not to force it, she will be 3 in June. Shouldn't she at least be interested in it? I feel like I am going to have a 5 year old in depends.......


Jemmmma said...

The twins were three years and three months when they finally got it. And it was strange because it seemed to happen overnight with the both of them. They were interested on and off for about 6 months before they starting wearing undies regularly. I used to compare them to others that were faster and stress because I just wanted it done and now I don't even remember those days with them. My doctor said up until three and a half is completely normal. I bet it will just click overnight sometime.

Anonymous said...

Benny was at least 3 before he was potty trained and then for a few months it was still touch and go with accidents, forgetting, etc. I never thought he would get it. And for the longest time he would not do everything he needed to do in the potty....not pleasant. I was also worried that I'd have this big kid who could not use the potty and that I would be buying huge diapers. It will certainly happen but I know how frustrating it can get. Hang in there. I also think it will happen quickly once she is ready.

Mary S. said...

Erin was late, Brooke is early. You can't force it, it will just happen. Just think, you can share your Depends with her. What mother/daughter bonding!haha!

Kelli said...

It's stressful only when ppl try to force it. If you just go w/ it as it comes, it happens almost overnight. When they're ready, they're ready.
My thoughts anyway.
As long as you introduced it and remind her it's there, you're doing your job.
Love you guys! ;)

Katie said...

what's wrong with Depends? I wear them proudly.