Sunday, August 17, 2008

Trip To The Zoo

Today Jimmy and I took the kids to the Stone Zoo. It was very different from when I was a kid. There is NO Polar Bear, NO Giraffe and NO Elephants.......The new exhibits were fun though....The Black Bears were very cool and the kids loved them. They had baby Jaguars, sooo cute.... Shannon had a blast looking at all the animals. Brady had fun at the Black Bears and then opted to ride in the stroller. We ended the afternoon with ice cream at Friendly's....Shannon wants to know when we are going back to the Animal Center again.....


Anonymous said...

NO Polar Bears????? :c

-Mary Kate

Anonymous said...


Kileen said...

Looks like fun. I love the zoo!

Jackie said...

How fun! We have never been to that zoo - we should give it a try!