Wednesday, January 30, 2008


I am so proud of Shannon. We are on day 3 NO binky. I took Katie's lead and just bit the bullet and did it. The first few hours were the worst. The first night , not as bad as it could have been. She hasn't asked for it at all. For those of you who swear that Shannon looks just like Jimmy..... Take a look now. She has traded her binky for the Shaughnessy chapped lip !!!! The poor kid.

Brady is all over the place now. Crawling faster than I can keep up and furniture surfing. So different from Shannon. She just got up and walked. No crawling at all. So, 2 milestones for the kids..... No Binky and crawling/walking......


Anonymous said...

Please tell Shannon I am so proud of her! Look at Brady.....Mr. Personality!!
They grew from the last blog!
hugs and kisses, love aunt shelly

Anonymous said...

Kelly~she is soooo beautiful! Those eyes!
Way to go! Wow, I am very impressed by you and by Katie! You guys just DID IT! Great to hear. It's so funny how we all dread those things-bottle, binky. I think it's harder on us than it is on them.
I've got a thumbsucker...what am I supposed to do???
Brady is a doll and he looks like he's a funny kid already. Can you tell if a baby is funny?!?! He must have the Shaughnessy sense of humor. It's that look on his face, I just love him.


Jemmmma said...

Hey Kelly,
I can't believe how mature Shannon looks. She's a little girl now. And Brady has gotten so much bigger since we last saw him. He was just a baby! They are too cute! Hope to see you guys soon.

Katie said...

Kelli should just saw reilly's thumbs off...that's what I'd do.

WAY TO GO! Do you feel as liberated as I do? Like I said, thank god kids prove you wrong.
Ain't lookin' back now!


Anonymous said...

Maybe I'll just disfigure them.

JUST KIDDING for any of you who are thinking DSS. lol


Anonymous said...

good job shan!

auntie jelly belly

Mary S. said...

Jelly Belly has struck here too...

I can't believe it! That is so awesome Shannon! I am so proud of you! Shannon was a binky kid for sure, wow! Now you look like your cousin Brendan w/ matching chapped lips!
Run Brady run!!!

Anonymous said...

