Tuesday, June 10, 2008

New PJ's

There is nothing like a freshly bathed child and new PJ's. Shannon has been doing a very good job going in the big girl potty and Brady NO LONGER has a bottle.....I told them they could have a treat at Walmart today and they both picked Sponge Bob PJ's. I think I have the only 2 kids who HATE to take baths...Tonight they were more than willing.....Thanks to the Sponge Bob PJ's. Good Job Kids....


Jackie said...

We love SpongeBob at the Snow's too. Shannon's eyes are so big and beautiful. What great pictures!

Anonymous said...

i want to see a pic of jimmy all showered clean and in his nightie

Mary S. said...

I want to see Jimmy in Sponge Bob pj's!haha!
Very cute, all these milestones!
p.s. thanks for the new post!