Monday, October 27, 2008

Erin's New Tag

Erin's New Tag !!! I am not much of a computer person. I have all of my photo's in one file...So, here is the 6th one in the file.

Shannon was a little over 1 year old....

Sunday, October 26, 2008

Great Weather ....

It was a crime to stay inside today. What a perfect New England fall day. Jimmy took the kids and I out to lunch and then we went to Hampton Beach to play and run around in the sand. The kids were so excited and had a ball. We also stopped at a playground on the way home. Shannon told me this was her BEST DAY EVER !!!! It was worth scrubbing all the sand out of their hair when we got home. Maybe they will sleep good tonight. One can only hope .....

Saturday, October 18, 2008

Early Trick or Treat

Shannon was a little upset at first when realized that she really couldn't fly...Once that moment of " are you kidding me mommy" was over...she was happy just to have wings!!!

Brady didn't stop laughing and smiling ...He thought the hood and the tail was hilarious..I can't wait for Trick or Treat this year. Halloween has never been my favorite, now I look forward to it with the kids. They get so excited to go see Auntie Mary and Uncle Billy and go out with their cousins. Only a few more weeks....

Wednesday, October 15, 2008



Thursday, October 9, 2008

Apples and Pumpkins

We went to get apples and pumpkins the other day and this was the best of the best ... Shannon and Brady were NOT helping their blogging mother with some good photo's. Shannon was chasing the birds and Brady wanted to stay in the stroller...It was funny watching Shannon pick her pumpkin though...She was very excited about that ...Better luck next time..Say Cheese !!!!

Wednesday, October 1, 2008


Nemo is on the TV and the kids were quiet. I went up to check on things and found them in here....Check out the ridiculous amount of toys piled up behind them and they are very happily playing in a clothes basket !!!! I'm sure all hell will break out soon.....